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Underarm Odor Home Remedies: How to get rid of bad armpit smells

Body odor is the cause of your embarrassment among the crowd. If someone tells you about your sweatshirt every so often, it's a shame. You may take a bath every day, yet the sweat does not go away. Ever wondered what caused this? Many people think sweat is responsible for body odor, but it's not. Sweating is a natural process resulting from stress, exercise, and atmospheric temperature. This same natural process becomes a body odor when it encounters bacteria in the skin.

Sweat does not smell by itself. Some of the germs that spread into the armpit skin are combined with sweat. The body odor is caused by the gases that are formed when the keratin is disconnected from the protein. Understand that sweating is only part of the process of adjusting our body temperature.

Is there a way to get rid of body odor?

There are a variety of ways to control body odor daily. There are many ways you can follow a healthy and balanced diet with nutritional supplements, use aluminum chloride at night, and use antifungal talcum powder during the day.

You can eat these and avoid them

When it comes to food, be careful to avoid garlic and onion. They are known for producing odor. You can eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, adequate-protein, whole grains, vitamin B complex, and zinc. Be sure to drink at least 2 - 3 liters of water daily.

Can antiperspirants and deodorants help

If you are sweating excessively, use antiperspirant lotions. These lotions contain aluminum chloride, which should be used at night on hands, feet, and armpit. It works to reduce the amount of sweat. Deodorants do not block or regulate the amount of sweat you have, but they do help hide the body odor.

Deodorants hide the odor

Deodorants only cover the odor, but antiperspirants control sweat. Be aware of this difference. Care must be taken to keep the armpit moist and able to resist the odor caused by germs. Wiping your armpit every time you sweat helps eliminate the odor. Antiperspirants may not be effective for longer in the body if you sweat more. So you can follow a healthy routine for best results.

Fur and sweat

We have two types of sweat glands. Eccrine and apocrine glands. The apocrine sweat glands are more concentrated near the hair follicles. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. A person with this condition may undergo a Botox treatment. With this treatment, you can reduce the sweat for 6 - 8 months and then repeat it.

Another way to keep armpit clean is to undergo laser hair reduction. Because sweat accumulates in the hair follicles leading to bacterial overgrowth, the hair follicle is kept clean and the armpit area clean.

A healthy daily routine

*If you sweat a lot, bathe at least twice a day.

* Apply the powder on all the folds of the body after bathing.

* Wear cotton clothing 

* Drink plenty of water

* Reduce caffeine, use herbal and green tea. 

* Use antiperspirant on the skin. 

* Use a little talcum powder before applying the deodorant. This helps the deodorant stay longer and keep the skin dry.

Some tricks to get rid of body odor


Diluting one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces of water will help to eliminate odor-causing germs. It is best to check for small portions before checking to see if you have allergies. Getting rid of sweat is essential to maintaining personal hygiene. Bathing should be done twice daily. Never wear dirty clothes again after bathing. Wash your clothes after bathing.


* Wash your armpit with iodine pasted brush before bathing. Use a deodorant after bathing. 

* Apply baking soda to the armpit, After applying baking soda and then apply lemon juice. Then If you apply olive oil, you will get rid of the scent. 

* Wearing clothes after Mixing lemon juice in water and apply to the armpit help to fight off odors.


* After the bath, apply apple cider vinegar on the armpit. It should not be applied immediately after shaving or if the skin is cut off. 

* Stress can stimulate the sweat glands and cause sweat production. Look for ways to reduce stress.

 * Avoid fatty foods, fried and roasted dishes, mild garlic, and onion. 

* Take B complex, zinc, and magnesium supplements. Know your doctor's advice before doing so.


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