Sex is not just a way of getting physical wellness but it is also linked to many health issues. Healthy sex gives you so many health benefits. Unhealthy sex has unhealthy effects.
There are many hormones changes in the body during sex. It involves many organs in the body, including brain and heart. These are we mean by health benefits.
Like anything in the world, there is a certain time for sex, That is, the age to have sex to get good results and health benefits.
According to science, sex happening in the teenage and before the youth is not good for the health of your body. The sex of the young age makes it possible for many health problems and some mental problems. Know more about this,
Cervical cancer
Early sex in women and men and have different effects on certain substances. For instance, in women, early sex has an increased risk of early cervical cancer. The HPV or HP virus is most likely to lead to cervical cancer. It's sexually transmitted disease. The sex of young ones increases this possibility.
Emotional issues
Sex in early age more likely to develop emotional problems, such as mental health problems. Teenagers done early sex can after cause a feeling of sex guilt and a feeling that sex is a sin. Especially when others use them sexually, it leads to a sense of insecure in their minds very badly. This leads to depression, which leads to problems when they start a family, and then some cases sex turn into a fearful thing.
At an early age
Whenever younger ones are having sex, they will not be concern about pregnancy prevention or condoms. There will not aware of this. This will lead to girls getting pregnant. All these problems can turn into abortions. This can lead to harmful effects on the body and the health of the mind.
In marriage
Sexual guilt that happened at an early age will lead to many sexually related issues in the marriage life. In women some cases it leads vaginismus, which means that when attempting for sexual intercourse, vaginal muscles tightened into the state and this leads to no sexual intercourse or any sexual activity that involves penetration painful or impossible. In some of these mental problems among males leads to erectile dysfunction and Premature ejaculation. Because these health problems are not only physiological but also psychological.
Sexual and genital diseases
Sex in younger age can leads to many sexually transmitted diseases Because it often happens they unclear about safe sex they don't take precotions to have safe sex. The mildness of this age can be said. Especially young ones are using drugs and alcohol has an increased chance. Many young boys are being driven into sex abuse because of their these kinds of nasty addition.
Brain growth
Studies have shown that early sex can affect the growth of your brain. This will make the mental block. Depression is also one that affects the growth of the brain. Also, hormonal changes affect your child's behavior. Hormonal changes in sex at an early age cause bad changes in the child's brain. Feeling guilty and stress makes child losses the ability to interact with parents and others.
Early sex
The study results show that early sex can make men aggressive and anti-social. In women, it also leads to issues such as depression. Studies have shown that guilt is more in women than men.
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